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ILLCF Scholarships
Opportunity Details

The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation (ILLCF) was established in 2002 as a strong voice and resource for the Illinois Latino population and for those that work and live within Latino communities statewide. Through its annual statewide conference and the ILLCF Public Policy Institute, the Foundation seeks to empower Latinos to confront critical issues affecting their communities and to increase access to federal, state and community programs in such areas as employment, education, community and social services, health care, and housing.

Each year, the members of the ILLCF select outstanding young people who meet the eligibility criteria to receive The Michael W. Gonzalez scholarship to help them achieve their educational objectives. This year, $5,000 will be granted to approximately 20 Latino students that are fully enrolled in an accredited institution whose home residence is in Illinois. An electronic application form is available online at Scholarship checks will be delivered/paid directly to the student’s College or university to apply toward the student’s tuition and fees. Scholarship checks will not be paid directly to the individual student. The scholarship is available to all Illinois students of Latino ancestry, regardless of immigration status. We encourage all students who meet the criteria to apply.