Judicial Intern Opportunity Program
Opportunity Details
The mission of the Judicial Intern Opportunity Program is to provide opportunities to students who are members of racial and ethnic groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the profession. The program also provides opportunities to students with disabilities, students who are economically disadvantaged, and students who identify themselves as LGBT.
Participating judges are from Phoenix, AZ; Miami, FL; Philadelphia, PA (including Camden, NJ); New York, NY; and Seattle, WA. Internships are also available in several cities in California, Illinois and Texas.
Students may indicate geographic location preferences on their applications, but may not request particular judges or courts. Interns will receive an award of $2,000.
Internships for students with an Intellectual Property Law focus will be offered in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Texas, and Washington, D.C. Students can indicate their interest on their applications. These specialized spots are limited and any student applying to the program with a request for specialization will also be considered for general litigation internships.