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The Legacy Lab, Team One’s award-winning think tank and strategic consultancy has announced the call for submissions for its annual scholarship. The scholarship will go to a student who represents the next generation of legacy makers. With growing interest in the scholarship, this year’s recipient will receive $15,000 to put toward school-related expenses. The scholarship will continue to honor Black and African American students to help achieve their long-term ambitions as future leaders and entrepreneurs. Applications open near the end of September.

The scholarship recipient will go to a student having an ambition to revolutionize an industry, change social norms, and bring lasting change to their communities and beyond. Launched in 2012, The Legacy Lab explores the dynamics of long-term brand building in a short-term world. The think tank includes The Legacy Lab Consultancy and the Legacy Lab Foundation. The Consultancy is designed to help premium brands build legacies to endure with everlasting value. The Foundation is a nonprofit created to invest in leaders and organizations aiming to make a noteworthy difference in the world.

This Scholarship is powered by The Giving Back Fund, an LA-based nonprofit. The scholarship funds are intended as an investment in ongoing education: to help the chosen student achieve a personal ambition and subsidize school-related expenses. An ideal applicant would be an undergraduate or graduate level student attending College within the United States, studying with the intent of creating positive, enduring change.