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MLT Career Advancement Program
Opportunity Details

Navigating the last several stages and transitions to the senior executive level can often be the most challenging and least straight-forward of one’s career. Each rising executive’s path tends to be unique based on their prior experience, company culture and values, and personal strengths and development areas. There are often very few people who have navigated a similar path to senior leadership who can be relied upon for guidance and it can be challenging to understand what it takes to stay on track to reaching the executive levels.

MLT’s Career Advancement Program (CAP) is designed to help high-potential mid-career professionals continue to advance in the pipeline to senior leadership. CAP provides Rising Leaders with a personal roadmap for continuing to advance toward the executive level, a high-performing network of peers from other organizations, frequent one-on-one coaching from an executive coach, and practical leadership development content based on the competencies needed to be a successful senior executive. The typical CAP Rising Leader has at least two years of post-graduate (MBA, MS, MPS, JD, PhD, etc) work experience and has been identified by their organization as having high potential to become a senior executive.