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Opportunity Details

The Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) furthers its mission of increasing the number of Latine actuaries by awarding academic scholarships to Latines who will be attending a US college , university next school year. Applications will be evaluated on various criteria including, but not limited to, academic performance, commitment to pursuing the actuarial profession, exam progress, work experience, and leadership experience. Finalists for both the named and general scholarships are expected to be selected by mid-June.

Named scholarships: Winners receive $5,000 and are guaranteed an actuarial internship for Summer following the school year for which the scholarship is used. Finalists for the named scholarship will be required to interview. General scholarships: Winners receive awards of various amounts. The top student will receive the Cresta Scholarship, which is a $7,500 award. In Spanish, “ola” means wave, and “cresta” is the crest (top) of the wave. With this award, OLA will be recognizing top future Latine actuaries. Note that a named scholarship recipient is eligible for the Cresta Scholarship, but the most OLA will award to an individual student is $7,500. Finalists for the general scholarship are not required to interview.